Sunday, Mar 30

Everything In Between
A Smelly God
Rev. Robert Schwenck

God meets us in the night — before the sun rises,
before the wound heals, before there are answers, before there is closure.
God meets us in the light — where joy is effervescent,
where laughter is contagious, where flowers bloom from cracks in the sidewalk, where people gather around tables.
God meets us in between — at the edge of the water,
at the beginning of the wilderness, at the start of something new, on the edge of faith.
And if God meets us in all those places, then surely God meets us everywhere —
at the water’s edge, at the start of something new, after the baptism, and before the call.
We are not alone. God is all around. Let us worship the God of everything.

Abstract artwork titled "everything in between" featuring stylized letters and a repeated background pattern. Includes phrases "stranger & neighbor." The color palette is primarily shades of pink and mauve.

The Sunday Service will live stream approximately 10:00 a.m. on Sunday mornings

Community Presbyterian Church flyer detailing four ways to connect: pray, worship, engage, serve. Includes information about worship services at 10:00 AM, men's and women's ministries, and a weekly food distribution partnership with FAM. Features a QR code for connecting and the website Located at 32202 Del Obispo Street, San Juan Capistrano.