caring for our community

For over 100 years, our church family has been committed to serving our surrounding community. Explore how we care for our community and connect with us if you find yourself called to help us serve.

Deacons Ministry

As Jesus commanded, “Take care of my sheep.” The Deacons at Community Presbyterian Church are a ministry of caring, love, compassion, and prayer. They reach out to anyone who needs to experience the love of Christ in concrete ways. Through personal contact and the donations received in the Deacon's offerings each month, they provide the following:

  • Assistance with pastoral care, including home communion to the sick and shut-in.

  • Communication with the family of Christ via cards, letters, personal visits, and the prayer chain.

  • Memorial service receptions.

  • Continuing monetary support to local organizations, including Family Assistance Ministries, Age Well Senior Services, Abiding Love for Africa, and Habitat for Humanity.

  • Food for Thanksgiving Turkey Bags, school supplies for needy children in two local schools, and Christmas gifts to needy children in partnership with Family Assistance Ministries (FAM).

  • Assistance with transportation to doctor visits, church, etc. 

  • Sunday morning golf cart service from the parking lots to the Sanctuary. 

  • One-day bus passes and meal vouchers to those in need

Family Assistance Ministries Partnership

In partnership with FAM (Family Assistance MInistries) we host a food distribution on Wednesday nights from 5:00 to 6:30 in the church parking lot. Every week about 30-40 families from our community receive fresh and shelf stable food from our faithful volunteers.

If you need food assistance, please contact FAM directly at (949) 492-8477 Monday–Friday from 9AM–5PM.

If you would like to volunteer for this joyful ministry, please contact the church office at or 949)493-1502.