Founded in 1916
Founded by three women to provide a Protestant Sunday School in the Capistrano Valley in 1916, it became the Community Presbyterian Church in 1919. The beginnings were humble – using a hall in the city which was a social hall on Saturday evening, on Sunday morning it was cleaned and prepared for church services. The first church building was built in 1922 across from the San Juan Capistrano Mission, moving to our current location in 1968.
Our greatest Strengths
are the close personal relationships of members and attenders, our Christian education programs, and creative worship. Our efforts to minister to the needs of our congregation and the community were begun in the early years of the last century and have continued into the twenty-first century. After more than one hundred years of Christian service, we’re looking toward the future while building on the past. Our vision at Community Presbyterian Church is to nurture, teach, and serve. We are an inclusive community and would love to have you join us and become part of our story.