adult ministry at community presbyterian church

No matter where you are on your faith journey, we have Bible studies and Fellowship opportunities that will help you on your path. You can view all of our ministries and fellowship gatherings below.

  • Flyer for a Bible study event featuring the book 'Celebrating Sabbath' by Carol M. Bechtel. The event is for the Martha Circle, meeting on the third Thursday of each month at 9:30 AM on October 20 at Sue's Porch. Attendees are invited to call 949.493.1502 for more information.
  • Sunset over ocean with announcement about Men's Fellowship meeting by Zoom every 2nd and 4th Wednesday at 9:00AM, featuring study of "Our Daily Bread" devotional; contact for more info.
  • Flyer advertising a Bible study titled "The Chosen: An Interactive Bible Study, Season 2." The study is held via Zoom by PW Mary-Deborah Circle on the first Tuesday of every month at 7:00 PM, starting September 6. The flyer highlights the text "Blessed Are the Chosen" and provides a contact number for more information.