Our Worship Service
Sundays at 10:00 AM
Worship services are in the Sanctuary and Live-streamed (see Worship Services button below) every Sunday at 10:00 am. We invite you to join us in the way that best fits your preferences and lifestyle.

What’s Worship Like?
What to Expect
Our worship service is a truly blended worship experience. We uniquely combine praise music with traditional music throughout our service. Pastor Leanne’s sermons will inspire you. Not only do you leave each week filled with a joyful song in your heart, you leave spiritually recharged, ready to tackle the challenges of the week ahead!
What’s Available for the Kids?
Childcare is available for children 3 years of age and younger.
For children ages 4+, we have a fantastic Sunday School team that will energize your children's love for and understanding of God in our multi-age Sunday school room.